Meet Our Board of Directors

These talented individuals have volunteered their time and knowledge on behalf of the organization. We genuinely appreciate their commitment.

Bonnie Howland, MBA
Board President
MCLA Director of Student Financial Services, Northern Berkshire United Way Board of Directors (former VP Finance), Past member of Berkshire County Community Action Board and MS Support Foundation Board of Directors.
Nanci Klammer
Board Clerk
Klammer Plumbing & Heating, Administrative Assistant
Crystal Wojcik
Board Treasurer
Town of Adams, Town Accountant/Finance Director – Alumni of MCLA with a degree in Business Administration - Pursuing Master of Accountancy in Government Accounting at Rutgers University
Tara Barboza
MCLA, Associate Professor of Accounting – Has served on various boards in the past.
Candace Morey
413Theraworks, Owner – Current member of Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation Hardman Fund, Past member Northern Berkshire United Way Board, Junior League of the Berkshires, Berkshire Food Project & the Louison House. Berkshire 25 and 40 under 40 recipient.
Brian Adelt
General Dynamics Mission Systems, Software Engineer – Technology
Taylor Gibeau
Adams Community Bank, Customer Connect Officer, Northern Berkshire Events Committee Treasurer and member of the NBVRSD School Committee
David Moresi
Moresi & Associates, Owner – Entrepreneur, Business Development, Property management
Ashley Gilvey
Greylock Animal Hospital, Hospital Manager, Certified Veterinary Technician

Kate Grady
Greylock Animal Hospital, Certified Veterinary Technician
Andrea Cahoon
Greylock Animal Hospital, Certified Veterinary Technician

Cara Pease
Owner and Trainer of Noble Paws Canine Training. She has 5 dogs of her own, 3 of which are rescues, and 10+ years experience with dogs, their behavior, and shelter life.
Sherry Burdick
MCLA Academic Affairs Administrative Assistant, Former North Adams and Clarksburg Police Officer